Working Americans Political Party

Policy, positions, and how to get involved. Includes links to online meetings.

Introduction & Welcome

I can’t tell you how embarrassed I am in setting up this website and stating: “I am a candidate for President of the United States”. When you say things like that and don’t have political experience or are rich, people look at you like you are a bit “touched”. And supporters of this party, at the beginning, probably will feel the same way. So, here is the reason I am doing this. Congress, given the current $3,000,000,000,000 a year deficit, will destroy this country and its freedoms. It is not sustainable. And there is no candidate, democratic or republican, or at the presidential or congressional level, who is willing or has stated they will force Congress to do its job–which is either cut programs or raise taxes for programs they have passed on your behalf. Congress’s main job is to represent you as far as taxes. That is the limitation on Congressional spending on your behalf as your Congressperson–its TAXES. If you don’t want to pay for it, they should not have passed it as your representative.

What Can You Do?

  1. Go to a meeting held by your current congressperson or senator and ask them what their red line is for deficit spending and at what point will they vote against an unbalanced budget. If they don’t give a number, confront them on that.
  2. Ask your congressman or senator, if they do a give a number, to name three programs they will vote to cut from the budget and what additional taxes they will raise to lower the deficit spending. If they can’t give an answer, confront them on that. You can’t say I’m against the deficit if you aren’t willing to cut anything or raise taxes.
  3. Ask them to join the Working Americans Political Party and commit to its platform. This party is not exclusionary. We will be happy to have current and future democrat or republican congresspersons or senators join us without leaving their current parties as long as they commit to this party’s platform. The purpose of this party is to force Congress to do its job and give its members the political power to do it including standing against their party leaders.
  4. Support this party. Go to the State Pages and learn what it takes to get an independent candidate onto your state’s ballot for the 2024 election. I am uploading them for each state, but have not finished. The link on State Pages is a website that lists the requirements and has links to your state government.
  5. Begin organizing your state’s Working Americans Political Party party. This means finding people to lead it. And spending time collecting signatures, talking to family, friends and people in organizations you belong to. It will be embarrassing at first. In the contact page, there is a discord link to a discord server where you can meet on-line. I will be adding pages to discord as this party develops. I will try to be online at least twice a week and more if requested. Currently the meetings are for Wednesday and Sunday nights at 7pm CST. There still is time to get an independent presidential candidate on most of the states’ ballots.

Candidate for President

David S. Watson

Why Me? and Qualifications

First, there is no other candidate in the 2024 election that is willing to balance the budget on your behalf. If this is a critical issue with you, I am your candidate.

My qualifications include graduating with a Juris Doctor from the University of Toledo College of Law; and working for 26 years as a federal government employee. I worked for: U.S. Department of Agriculture (Forest Service); Department of the Interior (National Park Service); Treasury (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms); Social Security Administration; and Department of Defense (U.S. Army). While not a supervisor, job titles included: lawyer, writer/editor, forestry technician, forestry aide, forest fire fighter, park ranger (seasonal), secretary, and clerk-typist.

I also did multiple other jobs outside of the government as I worked to create a career. I have experienced having little money, no options and fighting to stay off the street. My degrees include: Bachelor of Science in forestry; Bachelor of Arts in Radio/Television production; and Juris Doctor in law–after which I passed both the Michigan and Tennesse bar exams.

My biggest qualifications include being open minded to see all sides of an issue and being willing to work with your representatives, no matter which party, to create common sense solutions. This party will never shoot down a good idea because another party proposed it. We’ll steal it!

Why You?

As Americans we have tried to find a fiscally responsible party for a long time. We give the government to the Democrats then we give the government to the Republicans and nothing changes. Instead, government spending increases with every presidency regardless of party. Now there is something you can do.

To protect our freedoms, we cannot let what is happening continue for another four years. If you do nothing, then KNOW you contributed to the loss of your freedoms and the horrors of a bankrupt country. In my lifetime America has gone from the richest nation in the world to the biggest debtor nation in the world.

It is up to you. It is up to me. It is up to all of us.


Step one: Visit your state page to find what it takes to put an independent candidate on the ballet.

Step two: Start meeting on Discord to organize. Every state will need a hub and every city will need a club.

Step three: Fill a form or more with voter signatures. Send it to the state hub to organize count and submit to the state election authorities. There will be links to advertising banners and business cards you can purchase

All Working American Political Party members, including candidates must submit a filled form they participated in getting filled.

There will be NO donation page for monetary donations until the WoAmPoP Presidential candidate has been registered as an independent candidate on in at least three states.

Because if you cannot be bothered to setup a card table with a cheap banner at your church, or business, or work, or grocery store; or get signatures from family and friends, then don’t complain when the government can no longer pay its debts. It WILL HAPPEN if you do not take action.



    Working Americans Political Party. This website is dedicated to the patriots who believe that the biggest danger to our country is an unbalanced budget–That this is the time…

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