Working Americans Political Party

Policy, positions, and how to get involved. Includes links to online meetings.

WoAmPop Positions

Balanced Budget

The limitation on Congress is taxes. If they pass a bill on your behalf, they have to tax you. This party will balance the budget. As president, I will go through the budget, with all the input Congress will give, and mark items funded or unfunded. I will then send it back to Congress with this requirement: if they add something they have to cut something OR send it back with a tax bill to fund what they add back. They will have 30 days to make any and all changes.

This is not a line-item veto. Everything passed is in the budget, but that is only half of Congress’s job. The other half is funding it on your behalf, because they think you are willing to pay for the programs they passed. If you are not willing to pay for a particular program your representative voted for, then it should never have been passed. I will simply force them to do their entire job, including the hard part–funding.

The dollar, at this time is considered like bitcoin. It has value because there is a limited supply and the world expects us to get our fiscal house in order. That is why it is the world’s reserve currency. However, if our debt reaches the point where the government has to print money, the dollar and its valuation, will be considered to be like dogecoin, which has an unlimited supply and is not worth much.

Health Care Costs

This party will look at the medical system of this country and make it affordable.

Step 1: freeze or roll back prices.

Step 2: Research and try different options and solutions.

Step 3: Let the American citizens vote on which options they want the government to implement.

American democracy: the government serves the people and is not your master. Therefore, this party will not force a solution on you like Obamacare was or COVID vaccines were. You have a right to vote on something that will affect you and your family’s lives. There will be no mandate by the Working Americans Political Party.

Guns and 2nd Amendment

All citizens, who are not felons, have the right to own guns. Felons have lost this right. This party will enforce gun laws designed to keep felons from illegally owning guns. It is illegal to give or sell a felon a gun.

The trial, conviction and execution of anyone who kills students in a school should be swift. The Working Americans Political Party will support changing the definition of what is cruel and unusual punishment for school murderers to allow almost any kind of execution. It will also support excluding the insanity defense for these murderers. If there is no question about who committed the murders, the trial should begin the week after the last victim is buried. If found guilty, the sentence should be carried out within one week of the sentencing.

It is time to end this insanity.

Gender Affirmation for Students

Children are developing and go through phases of experimentation. To keep a child from making a decision that will permanently affect the rest of their lives, gender affirmation for children up until graduation from high school will be helping them enjoy and cope with the advantages and disadvantages of their birth gender. Hormonal therapies and surgery will not be allowed. Once these citizens reach adulthood, then this party welcomes them, no matter what their final decision is.


The only issue that is important is whether it is both physically and psychologically safe. At what point in the pregnancy do a statistically significant number of women have permanent damage from the abortion? The issue of whether or not it is a sin, is irrelevant.


This party is done with racism. Whether white or black, if you are a racist, and think you are entitled to something because of the color of your skin, please stay in whatever party you are part of. We have black business leaders, had a black President, and have blacks at every level of society. Reparations are over.

As far as California’s reparations, if they owe reparations to anyone, as a free state before the civil war, it is to the Hispanics and Indians who were deprived of their lands by early American settlers and gold miners.


At this point, the bylaws of the Working Americans Political Party organization are pretty simple. I am tasked with keeping what happened to the Tea Party from happening here.

Some of you, including some of my friends, have beliefs and positions that are too narrow and biased. If a person is running for office under this party’s name, and it turns out, that person is spouting views that exhibit intolerance (whether liberal or conservative), that candidate will be prohibiting from continuing his/her/their campaign as part of this party.

Intolerance does not mean accepting other beliefs or lifestyles as equal or true. It means being unable to work with, at any level, those who have different lifestyles or beliefs. America was based on the marketplace of ideas–that the effect of allowing full public debate on issues is that good ideas will naturally rise to the top without needing to suppress other ideas.

While I am a white older Christian male, this party will not succeed unless the following have a place here: white, black, Hispanic, oriental, Christian, other religions, atheist, male, female, other genders, and etc. This means the Working Americans Political Party will focus on issues that affect every American worker equally and deadlock on more specialized interests.

The three pillars of this party are conservative values, common sense, and tolerance. People should not be attacked because of their personal lifestyle choices. However, many lifestyle choices should not be promoted, either.

So in summary, the final position of this party to all Americans is: welcome home.

My Personal Beliefs

In America, our forefathers decided the last organization who should make a decision about which religion is true or false is the government.

I affirm this position. This is the Working Americans Political Party which is open to all religions and creeds.

Some of the party positions, stated above, are considered sins by Christians. But while I believe there is a truth, which is unchangeable, it is for each person to find or not find that truth. Christians were not called by Jesus Christ to demonstrate outside Roman temples dedicated to Zeus or Athena. They were called to be lights. If you cannot tolerate people with different beliefs, or understand that you may be wrong, this political party will probably not meet your expectations.

However, I personally believe that there is a God. That God is a trinity (father, son, holy spirit). That we have fallen short of God’s perfect righteousness (sinned). That God has righteously judged us as falling short of his perfect righteousness and condemned us to eternal separation from him (death). That God then exhibited perfect grace by dying on the cross in our place. That his death on the cross is sufficient to cover our unrighteousness. That he promised he would, for every sin we bring to him, cover (take upon himself our death sentence for that sin) with his death on the cross (redemption). After which, he would impute (attribute to us) his righteousness. And that this is sufficient for us to come into his presence and be considered fully justified and sinless.

That is the good news of the Christian gospel; that God did what you cannot. I just won’t force you to believe it or follow it. It is your life, your choice, and your path.

But frankly, to my shame, I’m not very good at following my own beliefs, so if you are looking for an example of a “good” Christian, I would suggest you look somewhere else. More to the point, my failing as a Christian is a reason to vote for me. The President of the United States agrees to vaporize half the world in a full nuclear exchange if we are attacked. That is what is required for nuclear deterrence. I am willing to do that on your behalf. I don’t think a “good” Christian would.