For every Alabama citizen who believes that a balanced budget is necessary, the following is the information on the deadlines and a downloadable form to be used to gather signatures.
- We need a person to take on the responsibility of heading the Alabama woampop, gathering the filled petition forms from volunteers, and submitting them, in person to the Alabama Secretary of State.
- Once the petitions are filed, donations can be made and a person will be needed to track and submit the information required by the Alabama Secretary of State.
- Everyone needs to talk to their friends, family, co-workers, and etc. This party will start and succeed only if everyone does their part.
General Election Ballot Access
Candidacy [§17-14-31] To be certified as a presidential or vice-presidential candidate by the Alabama Secretary of State for the general election, a prospective candidate may obtain ballot access through one of two routes – political party nomination or petition
2. Petition An independent presidential candidate must file a petition containing the signatures of at least five thousand (5,000) qualified electors of the state who must include their addresses on the petition to be valid. [§17-14-31(a) through (b)]
All certificates and presidential petitions for independent candidacy must be filed with the Alabama Secretary of State no later than August 15, 2024. [§17-14-31(b)