For every state citizen who believes that a balanced budget is necessary, the following is the information on the deadlines and a downloadable form to be used to gather signatures.
We need a person to take on the responsibility of heading the state woampop, gathering the filled petition forms from volunteers, and submitting them, in person to the Secretary of State.
Once the petitions are filed, donations can be made and a person will be needed to track and submit the information required by the Secretary of State.
Everyone needs to talk to their friends, family, co-workers, and etc. This party will start and succeed only if everyone does their part.
Independent Candidates Presidential and Vice Presidential Offices: [A.C.A. §7-8-302(6),] • Must file a petition with the Secretary of State no later than noon the first Monday in August of the year of the election. The petition must be signed by not less than five thousand (5,000) qualified electors of the state.